Display Pack is one of the best examples of how you can grow your business with a great concept and the support of the right partner. Display Pack was founded over 50 years ago in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, and has grown steadily ever since.
In the last three years alone, the company has expanded its production from 17 to 26 high-speed thermoforming lines, producing both customized and standard food packaging for its international customer base. To keep up with the growing demand, Display Pack decided to purchase a second viscoSHEET line and a deCON iV+ 75. This addition improves the company‘s ability to use PCR bottle flakes and therefore its sustainability while helping to manage the continued, tremendous growth through additional extrusion capacity.
But why did Display Pack choose viscotec again?
Andy Blackmore, Co-CEO at Display Pack explains the decision: „The viscotec sheet lines provide unmatched flexibility and ease of user interface. The built-in automation and quality controls are top-notch allowing us to hold tight tolerances ensuring we are providing thermoforming lines with quality material and ultimately our clients with consistent high-quality containers.”
Display Pack anticipates future growth in PET containers as recycling infrastructure becomes more prevalent and retailers continue to focus in on their sustainable goals. To meet this growing demand, Display Pack continues to rely on viscotec. “Between our DeCon IV+ unit which allows for full PCR production (with high quality) we look forward to growing our business further thru future viscotec extrusion lines. We have appreciated our relationship with Starlinger viscotec. Their approach to support and service is aligned well with Display Pack in terms of how we work overtime to support our clients needs” concludes Mr. Blackmore.